FSNotes is modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. App respects open formats like GitHub Flavored Markdown, so you can easily write documents on iPhone and MacBook. It's simple and blazing fast!
- Markdown-first. Supports plaintext files.
- Fast and lightweight. Works smoothly with 10k+ files.
- Access anywhere. Sync with iCloud Drive.
- Multi-folder storage.
- Keyboard-centric. Notational Velocity-inspired controls and shortcuts.
- Syntax highlighting within code blocks. Supports over 170 programming languages.
- In-line image support.
- Organize with tags.
- Cross-note links using
[[double brackets]]
. - Elastic two-pane view. Choose a vertical or horizontal layout.
- External editor support (changes seamless live sync with UI).
- Pin important notes.
- Quickly copy notes to the clipboard.
- Dark mode.
- Lock sensitive notes with AES-256 encryption.
- Mermaid and MathJax support.
- Optional Git versioning and backups.